Friday, January 30, 2015

Creating a Flex AIR text editor Part 52

In this tutorial we will add an Add snippet feature.

According to our plan weve made earlier, when the user adds a new snippet, a new element must be added to the XML and Table 1. We only work in the SnippetWindow.mxml file in this tutorial.

Before we start coding the mechanics, lets redesign a bit. The only thing were going to change is add a ComboBox component next to the snippet name text input, and combo boxes need an array to have as a data provider. Declare the array first:

private var categories:Array = [];

Now change the text input tags line to this:

<s:TextInput id="newNameInput" text="New snippet name" width="240" />
<mx:ComboBox id="categoryCombo" width="240" dataProvider="{categories}" />

The categoryCombo component will require a function to keep it updated with the correct categories.

Create a function called updateCategoryCombo, which adds 1 "No category" item with index value -1 and each category item from the xml with respective index value.

private function updateCategoryCombo():void{
categories = [];
categories.push( { label:"No category", ind: -1 } );
for each (var cat:XML in treeData.category) {
categories.push({label:cat.@label, ind:cat.@id});
categoryCombo.selectedIndex = 0;

For now, we only need to call this function in the setValues() function. Also, notice how treeData now equals xmlData and not xmlData.copy(). This time we can and need everything to be real time:

public function setValues(xmlData:XMLList, conn1:SQLConnection, conn2:SQLConnection, createNewOnStart:Boolean = false, newText:String = ""):void {
snippetConnection = conn1;
categoryConnection = conn2;
treeData = xmlData;
newTextInput.text = newText;
newNameInput.text = "New snippet name here";
if (newText=="") {
newTextInput.text = "New snippet text here";

Well, now lets add content to the empty addSnippet function. First add a conditional which checks if both of the input fields are not empty. If any of them is empty, then dispatch a window saying that the user needs to fill out the blanks.

Inside the conditional, create a new SQLStatement object and insert a new snippets row. Use parameters of the statement to set its values, notice how snippetPosition is set to a function called totalItemsIn(categoryCombo.selectedItem.ind):

private function addSnippet(name:String, text:String):void{
if (name != "" && text != "") {
var stat:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stat.sqlConnection = snippetConnection;
stat.text = "INSERT INTO snippets (snippetName, snippetText, categoryID, snippetPosition) VALUES (@snippetName, @snippetText, @categoryID, @snippetPosition);"
stat.parameters["@snippetName"] = name;
stat.parameters["@snippetText"] = text;
stat.parameters["@categoryID"] = categoryCombo.selectedItem.ind;
stat.parameters["@snippetPosition"] = totalItemsIn(categoryCombo.selectedItem.ind);
stat.execute(-1, new Responder(addSnippetXML));
}else {"The name and text of the snippet must not be blank!","Oops!");

The totalItemsIn function returns the number of children in a category by specifying an index in the parameter. If the index is -1, then it is the root we have selected:

private function totalItemsIn(id:int):int {
var toRet:int;
toRet = treeData.category.(@id == id).children().length();
if (id == -1) {
toRet = treeData.snippet.length();
return toRet;

You can see that when we execute our statement, we call a responder function called addSnippetXML. This is where we add the item to the XML. Remember that we only need to specify some of the values here - the id, label, categoryID and snippetPosition are enough. We dont want to store the text value itself in the XML.

private function addSnippetXML(evt:SQLResult):void {
var aSnippet:XML = <snippet/>;
aSnippet.@id = evt.lastInsertRowID;
aSnippet.@label = newNameInput.text;
aSnippet.@categoryID = categoryCombo.selectedItem.ind;
aSnippet.@snippetPosition = totalItemsIn(categoryCombo.selectedItem.ind);
aSnippet.@isBranch = false;
treeData.category.(@id == categoryCombo.selectedItem.ind).appendChild(aSnippet);
}else {

And the code works. Try it, if you want. You will see that items can be added to any specified directory. Note, however, that they also save, but dont display on start up because we are overwriting the database data with our placeholder temporary arrays of data in the main mxml file. If you want to see how it will work with the database, then comment or remove the lines responsible for overwriting categoryData and snippetData in the main mxml file.

Heres the full code for SnippetWindow.mxml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Window xmlns:fx=""
title="Snippet management" type="utility" width="500" height="730"
creationComplete="init();" showStatusBar="false" alwaysInFront="true" resizable="false" backgroundColor="#dddddd">

import mx.controls.Alert;

public var treeData:XMLList;
private var snippetConnection:SQLConnection;
private var categoryConnection:SQLConnection;
private var categories:Array = [];

private function init():void{
this.addEventListener(Event.CLOSING, onClose);

private function onClose(evt:Event):void {
this.visible = false;

public function setValues(xmlData:XMLList, conn1:SQLConnection, conn2:SQLConnection, createNewOnStart:Boolean = false, newText:String = ""):void {
snippetConnection = conn1;
categoryConnection = conn2;
treeData = xmlData;
newTextInput.text = newText;
newNameInput.text = "New snippet name here";
if (newText=="") {
newTextInput.text = "New snippet text here";

private function addSnippet(name:String, text:String):void{
if (name != "" && text != "") {
var stat:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stat.sqlConnection = snippetConnection;
stat.text = "INSERT INTO snippets (snippetName, snippetText, categoryID, snippetPosition) VALUES (@snippetName, @snippetText, @categoryID, @snippetPosition);"
stat.parameters["@snippetName"] = name;
stat.parameters["@snippetText"] = text;
stat.parameters["@categoryID"] = categoryCombo.selectedItem.ind;
stat.parameters["@snippetPosition"] = totalItemsIn(categoryCombo.selectedItem.ind);
stat.execute(-1, new Responder(addSnippetXML));
}else {"The name and text of the snippet must not be blank!","Oops!");

private function addSnippetXML(evt:SQLResult):void {
var aSnippet:XML = <snippet/>;
aSnippet.@id = evt.lastInsertRowID;
aSnippet.@label = newNameInput.text;
aSnippet.@categoryID = categoryCombo.selectedItem.ind;
aSnippet.@snippetPosition = totalItemsIn(categoryCombo.selectedItem.ind);
aSnippet.@isBranch = false;
treeData.category.(@id == categoryCombo.selectedItem.ind).appendChild(aSnippet);
}else {

private function addCategory(name:String):void{

private function updateCategoryCombo():void{
categories = [];
categories.push( { label:"No category", ind: -1 } );
for each (var cat:XML in treeData.category) {
categories.push({label:cat.@label, ind:cat.@id});
categoryCombo.selectedIndex = 0;

private function totalItemsIn(id:int):int {
var toRet:int;
toRet = treeData.category.(@id == id).children().length();
if (id == -1) {
toRet = treeData.snippet.length();
return toRet;

<s:VGroup paddingLeft="5" paddingRight="5" paddingTop="5" paddingBottom="5">
<s:Label text="Snippet creation and management: " />
<s:TextInput id="newNameInput" text="New snippet name" width="240" />
<mx:ComboBox id="categoryCombo" width="240" dataProvider="{categories}" />
<s:TextArea id="newTextInput" width="490" height="200" text="Snippet text" />
<s:Button label="Add snippet" click="addSnippet(newNameInput.text, newTextInput.text);" />
<s:Button label="Save changes" enabled="false" />
<s:Button label="Delete snippet" enabled="false" />

<s:Label text="" />

<s:Label text="Category creation and management: " />
<s:TextInput id="newCategoryInput" text="New category name" width="490" />
<s:Button label="Add category" click="addCategory(newCategoryInput.text);"/>
<s:Button label="Save changes" enabled="false"/>
<s:Button label="Delete category with its contents" enabled="false"/>

<s:Label text="" />

<mx:Tree id="snippetManageTree" dataProvider="{treeData}" width="490" height="300" showRoot="false" labelField="@label"/>


Thanks for reading!

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