Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Selecting and Downloading Raster Data via ftp using Python

My problem was to browse through a large number of Radarsat-2 images on a ftp-server and download the ones falling into my area of interest. Each image is available as a *.zip file and a corresponding *.tif map projected quicklook

There is two main pieces that help solving this problem:

1) You can in fact use gdalinfo to retrieve information about a raster file on ftp without having to download the file itself. The command (which I found documented here ) is, the output is here redirected to the output_tempfile:

gdalinfo /vsicurl/ >  output_tempfile

or calling from within Python using os.system with the variables defined before:

os.system(rgdalinfo /vsicurl/ftp:// + username + : + password + "@" + ftpserver + workingfolder + file +  >  + output_tempfile)

2) The second step is then to read the centre coordinate from the output_tempfile and if matching download the file. The ftp download is described here , lets see the whole script, which hopefully is self-explanatory with its comments:

import ftplib, os


ftpserver =
username = anonymous
password = guest
workingfolder = /Out/max/

#temporary file storing location info from quicklook
output_tempfile = C:UsersmaxDesktop\test.txt
#destinationfolder for download
destination_folder = C:UsersmaxDocuments\

#Open ftp
ftp = ftplib.FTP(ftpserver, username , password)

#Create a file list of all quicklooks
filelist = []

filelist = ftp.nlst(*.tif)
except ftplib.error_perm, resp:
if str(resp) == "550 No files found":
print "No files in this directory"

for file in filelist:

#get quicklook file info and save in temporary file
os.system(rgdalinfo /vsicurl/ftp:// + username + : + password + "@" + ftpserver + workingfolder + file + > + output_tempfile)

#Read from temporary file the centre coordinates of the quicklook
search = open(output_tempfile)

for line in search:
if "Center" in line:
longitude_quicklook = float(line[15:25])

latitude_quicklook = float(line[28:38])


print Longitude , longitude_quicklook
print Latitude , latitude_quicklook

#Check if scene is contained in area of interest, divided in two areas since not rectangular
if ((-23.0 < longitude_quicklook < 67.0) and (71.0 < latitude_quicklook < 90.0)):
contained = True
print true
elif ((-33.0 < longitude_quicklook < 14.0) and (66.0 < latitude_quicklook < 71.0)):
contained = True
print true
contained = False

zipfile = file[:-7] + .zip
zipsavefile = destination_folder + file[:-7] + .zip

print zipfile
print zipsavefile

#If file contained in area of interest, download the file
if contained == True:
print transferring , zipfile
ftp.retrbinary(RETR + zipfile, open(zipsavefile, wb).write)
print transferred , zipfile

#Close ftp connection

#Remove temporary file
os.remove(rC:UsersmaxDesktop est.txt)


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